Uses of Class

Packages that use SharedFile

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.server

Methods in cluster5.server that return types with arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> ServerInterface4Terminals.listFiles()
          List files to be compared with the locals and then updated for newer versions if needed.
 java.util.List<SharedFile> ServerInterface4TerminalsImpl.listFiles()

Methods in cluster5.server with parameters of type SharedFile
 void ServerInterface4UserImpl.uploadFile(java.lang.String token, java.lang.Long projectId, SharedFile file)
 void ServerInterface4User.uploadFile(java.lang.String token, java.lang.Long projectId, SharedFile file)
          Uploads recent version of a file which will be distributed across executors.

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.server.datastorage.dao

Methods in cluster5.server.datastorage.dao that return SharedFile
 SharedFile FileDao.get(java.lang.Long userId, java.lang.Long projectId, SharedFile.Type type, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String canonicalClassName)
 SharedFile FileDao.getById(java.lang.Long fileId)
 SharedFile file)

Methods in cluster5.server.datastorage.dao that return types with arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> FileDao.listAllFiles()
          Lists all files in the database without loading binary data.

Methods in cluster5.server.datastorage.dao with parameters of type SharedFile
 SharedFile file)

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.server.managers

Methods in cluster5.server.managers that return SharedFile
 SharedFile FileManager.getFile(java.lang.Long fileId)

Methods in cluster5.server.managers that return types with arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> FileManager.listAllFiles()
          Lists all files in the database without loading binary data.

Methods in cluster5.server.managers with parameters of type SharedFile
 void FileManager.saveFile(java.lang.String token, java.lang.Long projectId, SharedFile file)

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.shared.utils

Methods in cluster5.shared.utils that return SharedFile
static SharedFile SharedFileFactory.getSharedFileFor(java.lang.Class<java.lang.Object> clazz)
static SharedFile SharedFileFactory.getSharedFileFor( file)

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.terminal

Methods in cluster5.terminal that return types with arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> TerminalServerInterface.listFiles()

Uses of SharedFile in cluster5.terminal.utils

Methods in cluster5.terminal.utils that return types with arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> FileDatabase.listFiles()
 java.util.List<SharedFile> FileDatabase.listFilesToUpdate(java.util.List<SharedFile> newList)
          Compares new list with a list of currently stored files.

Method parameters in cluster5.terminal.utils with type arguments of type SharedFile
 java.util.List<SharedFile> FileDatabase.listFilesToUpdate(java.util.List<SharedFile> newList)
          Compares new list with a list of currently stored files.